Round Room

by Honor Molloy

Best Director Nomination

Origin Theatre Company’s 1st Irish Festival

Music by Grammy Award Winner Susan McKeown

Cast: Labhaoise Magee, Brenda Meaney, Honor Molloy, Rachel Pickup, Maeve Price, Zoe Watkins, Aoife Williamson

Prior to this studio production, Round Room was workshopped and developed at New Dramatists, with additional cast members Ching Valdes and Krystel Lucas.

Photos: ternatskiy

Round Room takes place in the corridors, back staircases and on the wards of Dublin’s Rotunda Hospital, the oldest maternity hospital in the world. Spanning more than two centuries, the play tells the stories of handywomen and harlots, the lamp tender, the airline hostess and the girl in the grain . . .


Liberian Girl in Brooklyn


For Your Consideration